Hi, I'm Michael King, your handyman! I have lived in Las Vegas since 1992.
With a passion for exceptional, quality work, treating our clients like family and standing behind each and every thing that we do, House On The Mend has quickly become one of the most trusted names for home improvements, repairs and maintenance.
Whether it’s simply cleaning your gutters or finishing the long over due "honey-do" list,
House On The Mend is the company to call!
House On The Mend is here to help with a library of videos that we are continuously adding so check it out often or better yet, SUBSCRIBE!
You should hire a handyman when you don't have the expertise, the tools, the time or you simply aren't interested in handling home maintenance and repair chores.
Hire a professional handyman who knows the right tools and materials needed for the job and has the experience to do the job quickly and safely.